Wednesday, March 9, 2011


WHAT TIME IS IT? Part 1 by Pastor Victor Adeyemi.

“...the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”

Time up! The invigilator screamed. For over 30 minutes I had stared at the question paper; having forgotten the answer to the question. I forgot all I read about the subject in preparation for the examination. It was only 5 minutes ago that all I read came back to me. In a rush; I began to write, but time was 'against' me.

On the contrary, I arrived late at Heathrow Airport, London for a flight to Los Angeles sometime ago; just as the check-in counter was about to be closed. I had tried frantically to do an online check-in to no avail. I even employed the use of a friend's phone as we raced to the airport. As it would turn out, the only available sit was an exit sit that would allow me to stretch my relatively long legs in the 'economy' cabin of the airplane. It was the most comfortable spot in the midst of the discomfort of an economy class sit. To avoid missing the flight, I was escorted through the 'fast track' reserved for business class passengers, passing through security in 2 minutes instead of 20.Somehow, time had worked 'for' me.

Time can be for or against us, depending on how we handle it. Let me clarify that I am not as concerned about the chronology of time as I am about its presentation as a season of achievement within God's plan for our lives. As Life is a gift and a privilege, so also is Time; which is a fragment of life of itself. We are given life, and hence time for the fulfilment of God's purpose for our individual existence.

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die.... (Ecc. 3:1-2)

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. (Ps. 90:12)
There are two basic tragedies of time; they are HASTE and LATENESS. Jumping ahead of time could cause time to work against us and so also is being late. Our text reveals that a fulfilment of the basic requirements for success including Speed, Energy, Wisdom and Skill, are not sufficient for success. Time and chance [opportunity] happens to all. The most vital key to success therefore is learning to handle Time and Opportunity wisely.

The times of our lives begin with the time we are BORN, and end with the time we DIE. As inevitable as our birth is, so is our death. In between the time of being 'born' and the time of 'death' are various times or seasons in our lives. Each time or season presents us with unique opportunities. How well we handle these opportunities determine our success. The successful handling of each season determines how soon and how well we enter into the next.

To be continued...

Rev Victor Adeyemi
Global Harvest Church

Inquiry - 08034239507


  1. Fantastic. Reading delight. Awaiting the continuation. Remain GOd's Pride sir!

  2. This is a must to read for every one.It`s just to loaded.I am waiting for the rest.
