Wednesday, March 16, 2011



(Zech. 4:6)

by Pastor Victor Adeyemi

Reinhard Bonkke, a renowned evangelist saw a vision years ago. He was steering a big ship in shallow waters. Of course it was a struggle. He could not gain sufficient speed to navigate smoothly, but rather ran the risk of being grounded in muddy waters. As he pondered and prayed about the spiritual insight he had received, God explained to him; the ship was his ministry, he was the captain and the waters, a symbol of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. As the progress of the ship was dependent on the water level, so was his ministry dependent on the anointing the Spirit supplies to advance in God’s plans.

I sense that we are in the same boat as a ministry and as individuals. We need a fresh anointing. Bonkke responded by raising an army of thousands of intercessors, committing one hour to prayer daily. The rest is history, as Bonkke’s crusades grew larger, reaching more nations of the world, winning more souls and recording more notable miracles. I believe it is time for us to possess our possessions, take all that belongs to us and enter into our rest. God takes over when we allow Him through prayer and His power is made available by the simple act of bending our knees (Jas. 5: 16 (Amp.)).

The level and flow of God’s anointing in our lives is a direct product of how much time we spend in prayer. Consequently, we need to increase our prayer time to increase the level of anointing we operate in.

Your success this year will be supernatural, as you watch God take over and surpass your plans, projections and pace. However you have a part to play:

1. Choose a specific hour for prayer daily

2. Choose a specific place

3. Support your prayers with a weekly fast

4. Pray a lot in tongues

5. Write down ideas inspired to you during prayer

6. Act on what you receive

7. Write down your testimonies.


  1. Sir this is really refreshing. I am greatly blessed by it. We need more of this sir.

  2. Daddy, it is a true one for the season, it sure blessed my heart
