Thursday, January 26, 2012


And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death… Revelation 12:9-11.

Notice that the passage says now, salvation has come, for the accuser of the brethren has been cast down. Of course, the brethren here are the believers, and the accuser is satan. This is a glorious revelation of our Victory. Every believer is victorious in Christ. Note however, that the next verse gives us three secrets to the victory of the believer. The Blood, the word of their testimony; which is the Word of God, and their unfailing love for God. These are three powerful tools for experiencing victory in our lives today;

When God created man, He crowned him with Glory and honour (psalm 8:4). That glory is the manifestation of God. When man
showed up, it was the same as God showing up. The glory was also the instrument of his authority. But when man sinned, he fell short of that glory (Romans 3:23), and lost his authority. However, the blood made atonement for our sins. In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel usually killed a lamb or goat and used its blood for the atonement of their sins. That sacrifice could only cover their sins but did not erase them. Yet it was a powerful weapon during the Passover night while the Israelites were in Egypt.

If the blood was that effective in the Old Testament which is just a shadow of the reality, how much more the better covenant based on better promises. Glory to God! The bible says that the blood of Jesus speaks better things than that of Abel (Hebrews 12:24). While the blood of Abel spoke vengeance, the blood of Jesus speaks justification, redemption and sanctification. Hallelujah!

The children of Israel experienced victory by the Blood. By God’s instruction, they killed a lamb and sprinkled its blood on their door post and lintels. When you draw a line to connect the top, the sides and the foot of the door, it forms a symbol of the cross. It’s a shadow of the cross of Christ. They were shielded from the destruction that befell the Egyptians. Pharaoh had to let them go. Four Hundred and thirty years of slavery ended that night because of the blood.

Jesus paid the ultimate price with his blood. His blood is the number one secret of victory. We ought to appropriate the blood by faith. Holy Communion should no longer be a religious exercise for us knowing the power that is in the blood. We ought to partake of it claiming our victory over sin, sickness, poverty and death. We overcame by the blood!

This is the revealed word of God to you. Believers ought to crave for the revelation knowledge of the word of God. Then, put it on their lips and fight with it. Jesus Christ defeated the devil with ‘It is written.....’ in Luke chapter 4.

In Ephesians 6 verse 12, the bible says ‘’we wrestle not against flesh and blood..’. This verse clearly shows us that we are not fighting a physical foe. When Jesus was faced with temptation in Luke chapter 4, he did not speak his own words against the enemy but he spoke out of revelation knowledge of the word. He said ‘’it is written’’. What is written will always overcome what is happening and that is why we have to ensure that the word of God dwells in us richly according to the book of Colossians chapter 3 and verse 16.
In Ephesians 6 verse 17, Paul speaking about our weaponry referred to the word of God as ‘the sword of the spirit’. 

This is the sword of the recreated human spirit, not of the Holy Spirit. We must learn to speak the Word. Some Christians attack their fellow men; that’s not right. You don’t attack human beings with the Word. Satan is the power behind every wicked deed. So when the devil comes against you in any area of life, put your faith in the blood and speak the Word. The devil has no right to oppress us anymore. He has been disarmed (Colossians 2:15). He has no authority over our lives anymore. Hallelujah!

1 Peter 2:4 ‘’ye as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ’’.
The early church was surrounded by a tensed atmosphere of persecution. Some believers were flogged, some imprisoned, Stephen was stoned to death and James was even beheaded. When they were scattered abroad; they remained unrelenting about spreading the gospel. Today, we are still faced with persecutions because of our faith. Sometimes we do things whether convenient or not just to do service to God, yet we ought not to faint nor relent. There are some brethren who live in terror zones; they are constantly under terrorist threats. Some have laid down their lives, died and even lost precious things for the sake of their love for God, yet they continue to serve the Lord. If our lives have to be on the line because of the Gospel, so be it.

Jesus said ‘’ He that will follow me, must first deny himself, take up his cross and follow me’’ (Matthew 16:24). A life of sacrifice is a necessity for every Christian who desires to be victorious. We have to be selfless! Here are various kinds of sacrifices we ought to offer unto the Lord.

§ The fruit of our lips (Hebrews 13:15)
this is offering constant praise unto God. It’s a sacrifice to give Him thanks in all things by Jesus. Also it’s a life of sacrifice to attend every service in Church and not miss fellowship with God and your brethren at your local assembly.

§ The sacrifice of our offerings; (Giving the Lord our substance proverbs 3:9)
we honour the Lord when we give the Lord our offerings. At times, all that is at hand is all we have to give unto the Lord at that moment. When we give such offerings, it becomes a sacrificial giving. Give your tithes too. Paul called the offering sent by the Philippians Church a sweet smelling savour. After this He prayed for them saying ‘’ But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’’ (Philippians 4:19) Hallelujah! We are blessed for sacrificial giving.

§ The sacrifice of a holy living. 
Romans 12:1 says ‘’ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.’’ The Lord wants us to deny ourselves of our fleshly instincts and lusts, ungodly desires, your own ambitions, and everything that is contrary to the will of God. Living a life of surrender whether it is convenient or not.

Enjoy the victory you have in Christ. You have the blood, you have the Word and you have your love for Jesus. Apply them in your lives and your victory will manifest.

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